Bad link, bad news!

Oh no! You clicked on a suspicious link in a phishing email. Don't panic as this was a fake email that we created and sent internally. We did this to demonstrate the dangers of phishing emails. So, read on to learn how to avoid clicking on bad links in the future.

How do you recognise a phishing email?

Phishing emails will often contain the following elements:

  • Linguistic errors: typos or words that are used incorrectly, e.g. ‘volunters’ (instead of ‘volunteers’), ‘sincerly’ (instead of ‘sincereley’)
  • Stylistic errors: (excessive) use of capital letters, exclamation marks or question marks, and use of archaic or unusual words and sentence structures (as if Google Translate had been used to write the email), e.g. Sign up NOW!!! (capital letters and 3 exclamation marks), ‘sincerly’ (instead of ‘sincerely’)
  • Deviating language: the communication style is different to what you'd normally expect from the person or company, e.g. starting the email with ‘hi’ (instead of ‘dear’), the email is focused on encouraging you to click on a link (pushy rather than informative)
  • House style deviates from norm: the graphics are not at all or not quite in line with the guidelines, e.g. a pixelated image of Guido Vanherpe taken from the internet, a banner with typos (‘Vanerpe’ instead of ‘Vanherpe’), element upside down in footer, poor quality logo in footer
  • Unknown sender: the email address is unfamiliar or incorrect, e.g. ‘Guido Vanerpe’ (instead of ‘Guido Vanherpe’) and (instead of
How do you recognise a phishing email?

What should you do if you receive a phishing email?

Our IT department has already taken various measures to keep cyber criminals at bay and to minimise the risks but criminals never stop looking for new ways to strike. That’s why it’s crucial that we all know the dangers that lurk behind a fake phishing email. All of us must stay alert and realise that we are part of LLBG’s line of defence: the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Therefore, we are launching a project and campaign with the theme of cybersecurity (more info below).

If you have doubts about the security of an email, you should always play it safe. Do not click on any links or attachments and do not respond.

What should you do instead? Select the email and click on the 'Report Phishing' button in the top right-hand bar. The email will be automatically deleted from your inbox and forwarded to one of our IT colleagues. They will check the email for reliability.

The most important thing to remember is to never share your personal data, especially your logins or bank details.

What are the dangers of phishing emails?

Cyber criminals don’t just target individuals, they also regularly hack computers at businesses. Servers can be encrypted and emails, invoices and orders disappear. CEOs are caught between a rock and a hard place. Either lose turnover because production is at a standstill or pay a hefty ransom to free the data. Belgian companies pay hackers a total of 100 million euros each year! One day with no production would cost a company like LLBG 2.5 million euros.

That’s why we urge you to read the information we will send you during our internal cyber awareness campaign this month. You’ll learn to identify attacks, take the right action and sound the alarm. We’ll provide you with learning materials: online tests, videos, cyber-attack examples from real life and complete training downloads.

Were you the only one who fell into the trap?

Want to know how many of your colleagues clicked on the bad link? Keep an eye on your inbox to find out.